
Feel free to hit us up with any questions or comments!


3 Responses to “Contact”

  1. Matt Says:

    going across canada to enlighten some people?

    • Cross Canada Says:

      We are going to enjoy the sites, the country, the time off, the ability to be free and do whatever we please when we want.. get off the treadmill so to speak. But ya at the same time as we move along we meet a lot of people who are guided to have conversations about this stuff. We have our business cards in hand so a lot of people have been receiving those and checking out the site.

      When we all begin to open up to our potential and expand our awareness, we act as a light for others. It allows for more of us to begin their awakening process or help push others along.

      So far so good 🙂

  2. Sasha Says:

    Have a wonderful trip lads, looking forward to sharing in the experience, keep the stories flowing.. 🙂

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