Got Money ?

Ok so Im typing this in a Second Cup in Calgary…we finally made it out here. Edmonton was really nice, and i’ll post some pictures on that on my next post. We kinda ran through Red Deer, was a beautiful little town. I’ve noticed alot of things are industrial down here. Must be because of the oil rigs. Everyone drives a huge truck or SUV, or at least they are extremely common. Ive also noticed that it seems like a lot more money circulates out here. Nicer cars, houses, and things are more expensive. Its true what they say… its kinda booming out here… or at least it was.
We checked out West Edmonton Mall, and I have to tell ya its pretty damn cool. Its more of an attraction that a mall. Its got a HUGE rollercoaster, waterpark, bumper boats, tons of restaurants, a casino, laser tag, an amusement park and much much more. Was really cool see… too bad it just stunk of consumerism. That will all change soon enough.
Had some technical difficulties with the van but got them repaired. Hopefully big purp should hold out with us til the end. Having a great time and Joe and I have too many inside jokes. “Yo Yo fucking blows” hahaha clip from FUBAR.

Seeing Dale Sarna tomorrow in Canmore! Google his book “Evolve” Finding the truth about love. Really good.


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